Corten Plates

 Corten Plates, Corten Steel Plates, Corrosion Resistant Plates

Weathering steel, best-known under the trademark CORTEN PLATES and here and there composed without the hyphen as "Corten plates", is a gathering of steel alloys which were created to hinder the requirement for painting, and structure a stable rust-like appearance if presented to the climate for a few years.

Corten Plates, Corten Steel Plates, Corrosion Resistant Plate, Corten Steel Plate, Corten A Steel Plates, Corten B Steel Plates, Corten Steel IRS M-41 plates, CORTEN PLATES ASTM A 588, CORTEN PLATES ASTM A 242, CORTEN PLATES Services, Corten high wear resistant steel Plates, COR-TEN O, COR-TEN 490, COR-TEN 570, Cor-ten steel plate ASTM equivalents

United States Steel Corporation (USS) holds the enlisted trademark on the name Corten. Although USS sold its discrete plate business to International Steel Group (now Arcelor-Mittal) in 2003, regardless it offers Corten marked material in strip-factory plate and sheet structures.

The first CORTEN got the standard assignment A 242 ("CORTEN A") from the ASTM International gauges group. More current ASTM evaluations are A 588 ("CORTEN B") and A 606 for meager sheet. In Indian Standards is relevant according to IRS M-41. All combinations are in like manner creation and utilization.


"Weathering" implies that because of their compound creations, these steels display expanded resistance to barometrical corrosion contrasted with unalloyed steels. This is on account of the steel structures a defensive layer on its surface affected by the climate. The corrosion impeding impact of the defensive layer is delivered by the specific appropriation and centralization of alloying components in it. The layer ensuring the surface creates and recovers persistently when subjected to the impact of the climate. At the end of the day, the steel is permitted to rust keeping in mind the end goal to structure the "defensive" covering.


Grade %C %Si %Mn %P %S %Cr %Cu %V %Ni
CORTEN A0.120.25-0.750.20-0.500.07-0.150.0300.50-1.250.25-0.55…..0.65
CORTEN B0.190.30-0.650.80-1.250.0350.0300.40-0.650.25-0.400.02-0.100.40


GradeMinimum yield point
Mpa *)
Tensile strength
Rm MPa
Minimum elongation A
(Lo=5.65 √So)
CORTEN A34548520
CORTEN B34548519


The original A 242 alloy has a yield strength of 50,000 pounds per square inch (340,000 kPa) and ultimate tensile strength of 70,000 psi (480,000 kPa) for light-medium rolled shapes and plates up to 0.75 inches (19 mm) thick. It has yield strength of 46,000 psi (320,000 kPa) and ultimate strength of 67,000 psi (460,000 kPa) for medium weight rolled shapes and plates from 0.75–1 inch (19–25 mm) thick. The thickest rolled sections and plates – from 1.5–4 in (38–100 mm) thick have yield strength of 42,000 psi (290,000 kPa) and ultimate strength of 63,000 psi (430,000 kPa).


A 588 has a yield strength of at least 50,000 psi (340,000 kPa), and ultimate tensile strength of 70,000 psi (480,000 kPa) for all rolled shapes and plate thicknesses up to 4 in (100 mm) thick. Plates from 4–5 in (100–130 mm) have yield strength at least 46,000 psi (320,000 kPa) and ultimate tensile strength at least 67,000 psi (460,000 kPa), and plates from 5–8 in (130–200 mm) thick have yield strength at least 42,000 psi (290,000 kPa) and ultimate tensile strength at least 63,000 psi (430,000 kPa).


IRSM 41 Steel: Body panel of Coal Wagons like BOXNHA encounter corrosive environment due to presence of sulphur and other carbonoic acid components in coal. Use of corrosion resistance steel to IRSM-41 will face the situation better due to formation of an adherent protective oxide film on the surface if it is left undisturbed.

IRSM-41 steel has following properties-

  •    Stronger than mild steel
  •    Easily weldable
  •    Develops its own protective film against corrosion.

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